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来源:互联网 2023-05-27 03:23:07


2、例如:My parents often tell us about their bitter life in the past.我父母经常给我们讲他们过去的苦难生活。

3、She studies hard.她努力学习。


4、I am very tired.我非常疲倦。

5、二、什么可以作状语?1.副词:Say again.再说一遍。

6、Suddenly it began to rain.天突然下雨了。

7、2.介词短语:Please come here in the evening.请晚上来这儿。

8、He wrote with a red pencil.他用红铅笔写的。

9、3.动词不定式(或不定式短语):He went to see a film.他看电影去了。

10、My father was surprised to hear the news.我父亲听到这个消息,感到惊奇。

11、4.分词(或分词短语):He sat there reading a novel.他坐在那儿看小说。

12、The students went away laughing.学生们笑着走开了。

13、5.名词:Wait a moment.等一会儿。

14、It can go all day and all night.它能整日整夜地走。

15、6.状语从句:I’ll write to you as soon as I get there.我一到那儿就给你写信。

16、He didn’t come because he had to stay at home to finish his home work.他没来,因为他不得不留在家里完成家庭作业。


18、1.地点状语:The students are doing their homework in the classroom.学生们正在教室里做作业。

19、2.时间状语:I learned a lot from the peasants when I lived in the countryside.我在农村生活时,向农民学到很多东西。

20、3.目的状语:They set out early so that they might arrive on time.他们早点动身,以便准时到达。

21、4.原因状语:She will not go home because she has to attend a meeting.因为要开会,所以她不能回家了。

22、5.结果状语:Li Ming studied so hard that he caught up with the others very quickly.李明学习如此努力,结果很快赶上了其他人。

23、6.程度状语:I nearly forgot what he had promised.我几乎忘记了他答应的事。

24、7.方式状语:He came singing and dancing.他唱着跳着走过来。

25、8.条件状语:If you work hard at English,you will do well in English.如果你努力学习英语,你的英语成绩就会好。

26、9.让步状语:He went to school yesterday though he was ill.昨天他尽管有病,仍上学去了。

27、10.比较状语:Lesson Two is not so difficult as Lesson One.第二课不像第一课那样难。



30、Tomorrow I am going swimming.明天我要去游泳。

31、Here in the cinema house,smoking is not allowed.在电影院这里不准吸烟的。


33、I often go to see a film.我经常看电影。


35、He has already had his lunch.他已吃过午饭了。


37、He is always at home.他总是在家。



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